

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet, then you might be interested in owning a snake. However, there are a few aspects of owning a snake that you need to be aware of before you make this type of commitment. Here’s what you need to know.

What to Know Before Choosing a Pet Snake

Before you purchase a snake, it is important to keep a couple of key factors in mind. First, they need certain climate conditions like humidity and heat levels. In order to have a healthy pet, you’ll need to ensure you have space and equipment to make this happen.

Next, you need to keep in mind that some snakes do bite. While most kept as pets are not venomous, the bites can hurt in certain cases. Aggression in pet snakes generally has a lot to do with breed, size, and the sex of the animal. Lack of human contact on a regular basis can also cause a snake to be fearful, which can lead to aggressive behaviors.

Snakes also have very specific dietary requirements that will likely cause you to have to feed them live rats or mice. If this bothers you or you’re squeamish, then owning a pet snake might not be right for you.

Best Snakes to Own for Beginners

If you’re looking for the right type of snake, then you’ll want to pay attention. While there are a lot of different varieties out there that you can choose from, it is best to start out with one that is small and requires minimum care. For example, a corn snake is an ideal option for those who have never previously owned one of these pets. Milk snakes are also a wonderful choice and even ball pythons are a good option for people who aren’t afraid of owning a bigger snake.

General Care Information for Snakes

Owning and caring for a snake can be quite rewarding, but you need to have a basis of their needs before you bring one home. Ensure your new pet has a clean enclosure suitable for their particular heat and humidity needs. In some cases, this means purchasing a special lamp or other accessories. You’ll also want to stock up on food, which can sometimes be bugs and live or frozen mice, depending on the size of the snake.

If you have a love for reptiles, a snake can be a great addition to your household.

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  • "I'm so pleased with the experience I had at lakeville animal hospital. I am traveling with my dog from northern Maine to visit family and my dog had been sick for 3 days. She couldn't keep any food or water down. Long story short I called lakeville animal hospital and they were able to squeeze Aspen in later on in the day. Turns out the reason Aspen had been sick was that she had atleast one blockage in her intestines. They immediately sent us to a 24 hour emergency vet in Swansea for a surgery. Aspen is now out of surgery with 2 incisions in her intestines and 1 in her stomach. Being a long way from home with a sick puppy is not fun and is quite stressful. But I'm thankful the crew at lakeville animal hospital was able to see her so soon, take X-rays, give her a diagnosis, and make a recommendation for a 24 hour surgery facility."
    Rachel G. Lakeville, MA

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